January 4, 2023

3 Types of Vein Disorders

Fitness, General, Healthy Living, Leg / Vein Health

At MercyOne Iowa Heart Vein Center, we treat three types of venous disease — varicose, spider veins and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). With venous disease affecting more than 40 million Americans, including half of those over the age of 50, we make it a priority to help our patients get back to living life pain free with healthy legs.

Keep reading to learn more about the three types of varicose veins we treat and your treatment options.

Varicose veins

Although not associated with severe health problems, varicose veins can be painful, unattractive and worsen over time if not treated. Additionally, they can cause swelling in the legs and feet, a sense of fatigue or restlessness in the leg muscles and throbbing and cramping at night. Skin surrounding the veins may also itch and burn.

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that often look like cords and appear bulging and twisted. They may be flesh-colored or dark purple or blue in appearance. This type of vein disease mostly occurs in the legs.

Did you know that anyone can get varicose veins? While genetics play a large role, anyone can develop them over time. Causes range from genetics, pregnancy and obesity to hormone imbalance and leg trauma. Employees who work occupations that require long periods of standing may also be at increased risk to develop varicose veins.

We perform endovenous vein ablation and ambulatory phlebectomy for the treatment of varicose veins.

Spider veins

Similar to varicose veins, spider veins are tiny, thread-like red or purple or blue blood vessels that can occur in patches on the legs and face. Usually a cosmetic issue, spider veins can sometimes cause discomfort or itching and tend to develop in clusters anywhere on the body. Many patients say they have no symptoms at all other than visual evidence.

For treatment of varicose veins, we suggest sclerotherapy. This technique involves injecting a “sclerosing” agent into the vein using a very fine needle. This chemical solution irritates the vein tissue, causing the lining of the vein to swell, harden and eventually seal off.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

Deep vein thrombosis is a serious condition that occurs when a blood clot forms inside a vein. Symptoms associated with DVT include leg pain, swelling and associated warmth and redness in the affected extremity. Symptoms may appear suddenly or develop over time. If left untreated, a DVT can develop into a pulmonary embolism — a clot that travels to the lungs, which can be fatal.

During your appointment with the specialists at the DVT Center at Iowa Heart, you and your doctor will construct a specialized treatment plan based on your needs.

For more information on vein disorders and treatment options, visit our website VeinCenterAtIowaHeart.com

Am I a Candidate?

Determine if you are at risk for developing or already have symptoms for venous disease.