April 6, 2022

Avoid the Dangers of Dehydration

Fitness, General, Healthy Living, Leg / Vein Health, Nutrition

Did you know that water makes up nearly 70% of our body weight and 80% of our brain tissue? Although it’s not easy to drink the recommended eight cups of water per day — especially during the colder months — it’s very important to make it a habit as it starts to get warmer outside.

Drinking adequate amounts of water can also help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. To put it into perspective, a person can go one month without food, but only several days without drinking water.

Want to avoid or overcome the dangers of dehydration? Read on!  


Thirst is usually the first sign of being dehydrated; darker urine comes next. Clear urine means you are adequately hydrated, and darker urine means you are dehydrated.

Causes of dehydration.

Diarrhea is the most common cause of dehydration and related deaths. Diarrhea prevents the large intestine from absorbing water from food matter. Vomiting and sweating are additional causes that lead you to lose fluids. Frequent urination, from uncontrolled diabetes, medications or other reasons, adds to the list of ways to become dehydrated.

Who’s at risk of dehydration?

Dehydration can affect all of us, but people who live in higher altitudes, are athletes, or have chronic illnesses such as diabetes, kidney disease and cystic fibrosis may be more likely to become dehydrated. Infants and children are also at risk of dehydration.

Complications from being dehydrated.

Several health issues may arise if dehydration is not remedied quickly. Seizures can take place due to an imbalance of electrolytes; kidney problems like kidney stones, urinary tract infections and even kidney failure may occur; and a heat injury — like cramps, heat exhaustion or even a heat stroke — can be sustained.


Replenishing the fluid in your body is the best way to treat dehydration. Drinking clear fluids such as water, clear broths or sports drinks — even consuming ice or ice pops — is the easiest way to replenish fluid. Some, however, may require intravenous fluids to rehydrate. When rehydrating, avoid drinking items that contain caffeine like coffee, tea and sodas.

Am I a Candidate?

Determine if you are at risk for developing or already have symptoms for venous disease.