During the cold weather months, you’re more likely to catch a cold, the flu or some other illness. The following tips can help you boost your immunity and improve your chances of staying healthy this winter.
Catch Your ZZZs. Adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep per night for optimal rest. Any less than that decreases your body’s ability to fight illness. Studies show that even a small amount of sleep loss affects how your immune system functions. While you sleep, your body creates and releases hormones, proteins and chemicals that fight off disease and infection. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body doesn’t create enough of these disease-fighting substances, leaving you more prone to illness.
Eat right. Choosing a diet rich with vitamins, protein and antioxidants (link to antioxidant post http://www.veincenteratiowaheart.com/blog/the-top-10-high-antioxidant-foods/) give your immune system a boost, protecting you from seasonal illnesses and other chronic health problems such as allergies, arthritis and more.
Choose a variety of proteins such as poultry, lean meats, eggs, unsalted nuts, beans and seafood. Foods such as spinach, kale and sweet potatoes will give you vitamin A, which helps regulate the immune system and protects your body from infection. Vitamin C stimulates the production of antibodies, boosting immunity, and foods such as oranges, tangerines, strawberries and red bell pepper deliver a healthy dose.
Relax. Easier said than done, right? Your state of mind affects your health, so if you’re constantly stressed, your immune system weakens, and you’re more susceptible to illness. When your body experiences stress, it releases a stream of hormones that interfere with your immune system. Stress management can be difficult, but there are many ways to cope with stressors. Daily exercise and meditation can help relax your body and cope. Learning to slow down and having a good network of friends who you can rely on also help decrease stress.
Go outside. Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, contributes to heart health, bone health, and autoimmune disease and cancer prevention. It also supports your immune system. Vitamin D develops key peptides in your immune system that create an anti-microbial response, which allows you to battle infections. Go outside without sunscreen for 30 minutes each day so that your body can absorb vitamin D. You can also take supplements and each fish, organ meats and eggs.
Get a flu shot. The Centers for Disease and Control recommend getting a flu vaccine every year. When you receive the vaccine, antibodies develop in your body, helping provide protection against the viruses in the vaccine. Each year, the seasonal flu vaccine is developed using research that indicates which strains of flu will be the most common for the season.
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